Ustny egzamin łowiecki – polowanie indywidualne
21 czerwca, 2018
Egzamin – bezpieczeństwo na polowaniu zbiorowym
25 czerwca, 2018[vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]I must admit that I did not expect such a response after my previous blog post about the hunting exams. Many people have asked for additional explanations and more details useful for the oral exam.
If you could not find the previous entry, do not panic – it’s << here >>.
So, I’m coming back to help with the key exam question about safety on the hunt. Safety is the basis of hunting and I think that examiners will be particularly sensitive on this point. Today let’s talk about individual hunting, and on Monday about collective hunting. I will try to write it in human readable way in a style you know and like. I will not rewrite the entire Ordinance of the Minister of the Environment, because this is not the goal here, but I believe that what you will find below will be useful. Let’s go!
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Before we start our hunt, we have to notice it. For this purpose, the book of hunting records is used, to which the hunter is obliged to enter. We put our record not earlier than 24 hours before the start of our hunt and there is only one, single book in one hunting unit.
Remember, we never go for hunting without an entry. Thanks to this, we avoid a situation where, for example, at night, in one region, at the same time there will be several hunters approaching the same pack of wild boars as they are facing each other. It’s very simple to have tragedy here.
Individual hunting has few variants, because the law says about:
– hunting performed by one hunter acting independently of other hunters in the same hunting unit,
– hunting for predators at haystacks and burrows performed by more than one hunter with the participation of a whipper-in with a dog
– hunting for game birds, in which no more than three hunters are involved with a dog trained for this purpose. Hunting game birds can happen from a boat, but a shot at a given moment can only be given by one hunter and in a direction other than those sitting with him in a boat.
Yes, everything above is an individual hunt.
You can hunt individually, both during the day and at night. On the exam is worth mentioning, when according to the hunting law begins the night and on what species we are allowed to hunt during the night.
It is also important what each hunter should have with him at night. Skipping the obvious coffee and sandwich – do not talk about it to examiners. Speak the fact that during the night hunt for wild boars, muskrat and predators, the hunter should be equipped with a hunting firearm with an optical sight mounted, binoculars and a flashlight.
In Polish it is easier to remember because each of them starts with the L letter (3xL) – binoculars, a telescope, a torch. The weapon – always a hunting one, and its meaning is also defined by law – a minimum of 1000J on 100m.
As part of the night-time hunt, we must be focused, and have extreme caution (we should always keep caution), know the hunting unit, shoot the target that was personally recognized by the binoculars and after recognizing the area on the shot line.
You only take a weapon in your hand when you are sure that what you shoot for is actually what you want to shoot for, in addition clean foreground and bullet catch. The only right bullet catch is our mother earth, never forest or bushes. Therefore, hunting with hunter’s box is safer than hunting from a stalk, because the angle from which you give a shot is much bigger and in the case of a mishit you get into the ground. It is also worth mentioning that we do not shoot in the direction of the so-called settlements, public roads and animals on the tops of hills. These are the basic conditions for a safe shot.
An important element of safety is the way of moving with the weapon while hunting. Always keep your weapons pointed up or down. It does not matter whether we load or unload a weapon, we move around in the field, we have a break in hunting or getting into a car. It does not matter if the weapon is loaded or not – the barrel is always up or down.
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Now the question of loading and securing the weapon. Helpful when remembering can be graduation from secured to unloaded in a case. The law does not say about graduation, but maybe it will be easier for you to remember the rules.
1st level – protected weapon: when moving in uneven, bushy, slippery, slippery terrain, in the snow chastising a dog or receiving a bird game from it, to strap hunted game birds
2nd level – empty cartridge chamber – when you cross terrain obstacles – ditches, footbridges, fences, entering or descending from the hunter’s box and during breaks in hunting
3rd level – unloaded weapons – in the hunting unit in which we perform hunting when walking or driving through built-up areas, or in the vehicle itself while moving around the terrain
4th level – unloaded weapon and in a case – always outside of your hunting unit, i.e. in a circuit in which you do not have authorization to perform hunting, in public transport, in the cities and settlements.
As you can see the more happening, the more influence it should have on safety. Bushings – turn the safety on your weapon, larger obstacle – empty cartridge chamber, get in the car – unloading the weapon, trip on the route beyond the hunting unit – weapon into the case.
In addition, each time you put down your weapon during a break in the hunt, it should be near you, in your eye contact, protected against falling and, of course, discharged.
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Remember about the applicable distances. These are not given here, because it is a movable festival and sounds like can change soon and I would not like you to learn it from here while it changes again. I refer you directly to a hunting law.
I keep my fingers crossed! I believe that anyone who has prepared properly will pass without much problem. And soon – on Monday I come back with collective hunting
Exams are for people. You can do it!
Darz Bór!