Hi Hog, how are you?
8 marca, 2018
Healthy as a… chicken!
12 marca, 2018[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
Some time ago at work, I said that the evening and night trips to the forest make me feel so well, that I do not even have a cold.
My boast did not last too long because 3 days later I was lying sick in bed. It is said that during a cold man fights for life, so you guessed it was not easy for me. Fortunately, my cold did not last long and it was gone without any antibiotics or stronger drugs. Tea, honey from the local apiary and homemade raspberry syrup had made it. I have also eaten a duck broth and after a few days I came back to work.
After returning, I heard that I’m probably not as disease resistant as I boasted. I am more than certain that it was not because of me sometimes going outside only in a T-shirt and it was definitely a nasty sabotage of my colleagues from work.
I replied, with a smile, that I am healthy as a horse.
Today I wonder if the better term is healthy as a chicken.
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On Friday, one of the radio stations, whose name I will not say because it does not add up to my bills, said that there is a report created by the Polish Supreme Chamber of Control which indicates that the horse should no longer be a synonym for health.
It turns out that according to SCC data, 70% of breeders are likely to feed farm animals with antibiotics and antibacterial agents. What’s more, in the case of chicken and turkey, the number increases even to 80%. With this number, it is not surprising that this practice is used even in 14 out of 15 breeders.
One would like to say „Bon Appetit!”, And wish health to all consumers, because our chickens are already in very good health.
It turns out that soon wishes of health can be very useful for us. According to the information, even small doses of antibiotics taken continuously can negatively affect our health.
Researchers are concluding, that soon, there may be drug-resistant bacterial strains in our bodies. These bacteria can significantly increase the susceptibility of people to allergies.
But do not worry. There is a rescue called <drum roll> in vitro meat!
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Do not rub your eyes in surprise, I’m not joking. Well, one company (neither adds anything to my bills) announced that soon this year, in our stores, we will have meat created entirely in the laboratory.
Apparently, names such as Bill Gates help in the research. The giants from the food and meat industry also join the campaign. Some say that such meat can solve the issue of antibiotics or medicines administered to animals, Apparently, such meat eliminates classic breeding problems such as bacteria or viruses.
It is not yet known how vegan will approach the topic. Meat on the one hand, but not on the other hand. To eat or not to eat, that is the question.
For my point of view, I could suggest that the solution could be meat with a taste of tofu or soy. But then, what’s better – meat-flavored tofu or tofu-flavored meat. Well, you can always go a step further and make meat with a taste of kale.
Fortunately, I do not have to make such „difficult” choices. As a hunter, I live according to the nature. I care about the nature, and the nature takes care of me. The meat that I hunt does not come from farm. It is not kept in a cage, the hunted boar is not castrated, and the pheasant does not have a beak cut off. Wild animals decide for themselves what they eat, sometimes unfortunately in spite of a farmer or a forester. Venison is healthy, tasty, full of nutrients and vitamins, and if properly prepared, is delicate and melts in one’s mouth. In my opinion a broth made of pheasant or duck is unrivaled.
Maybe thanks to venison I am healthy as a horse.
And you? Are you healthy as a horse or as a chicken?