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1 lutego, 2019
Do you hunt for fun?
5 lutego, 2019Blogs are generally a place on which only their authors speak up. Bloggers comment on current events, share thoughts, sometimes get something to test or describe, but the blogger writes about everything, or he speaks by his own. In this particular case, I give my vote to someone who has important issues to convey. Therefore, he gives my keyboard to the Management Board of the Polish Hunting Association Pointer’s Club, because the topic is important and still up to date. Scroll down to the next part.
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We were saddened to hear that at the request of the Main Breeding Commission, the Main Board of Kennel Club in Poland (ZKwP) canceled on November 9, 2018 additional breeding requirements for dogs from group VII FCI (pointers) – in the field of required diplomas in field trials or competitions. From the ZKwP communication it appears that from 29.09.2018, dogs and bitches from group VII FCI, qualified for breeding, must only be examined for hip dysplasia.
Dogs VII FCI group are characterized by the so-called stand-up collar, which is why they belong to the group of legumes – lying in front of the weathered animals in stillness. Exposure is an inherent characteristic of the FCI breed of dog breeds. Generations of hunters all over the world worked on preserving this feature. The breeding of utility dogs by strengthening the appropriate features leads to training and commercial successes, fully realizing the assumptions made for representatives of the VII FCI group. This group is the most demanding FCI group both in terms of good quality exterior and in terms of performance. Pointers are useful hunting dogs working in three different environments: both in the field, in the water and in the forest environment – hence these dogs are extremely versatile and proven – also in terms of dog’s psyche. As is well known, a breeding organization based on iron kennel principles leads to the highest level in terms of exterior and work. The goal of any dog breeding, especially working dogs, should be to improve physical, psychological and functional features, including the scientific basis. In the opinion of the Members of the Polish Pointer Club at the Polish Hunting Association, having many years of experience in breeding, laying and, above all, use of hats in hunting practice, clearly indicates that dogs qualify for quality breeding and hunting tests, hunting performance tests, especially versatile and versatile – guarantees the selection of individuals from group VII FCI suitable for breeding.
The Pointer Club to rationally and effectively accomplish the purpose of its appointment by the Polish Hunting Association (PZŁ), it must necessarily change the Club Statute. The aim of these changes is a transparent model of choosing the Board of the Main Club of PZŁ Clubs and harmonious development of all Club structures, allowing for autonomous decisions and most importantly – not stopping the organization of kennel events by the Clubs. Scroll down to the next part.

In the submitted proposal of the new structure, the Pointer Club – Board of the Polish Hunting Association Clubs is selected at the Congress of Delegates representing the Clubs of Breeds and Regional Clubs. In this way, all Club members have influence on the Club’s Board and its manner of representing the Club. The above changes are aimed at building one stable policy for the working dogs’ lovers of the group VII dogs, which will assume the organization of tests and hunting performance tests, of which the best dogs will be nominated for the National Competition. We want to enable the building of regional club structures that give the opportunity to exchange experiences, integrate local communities of owners and breeders of canine dogs. National Competition of the name of Fr. Niedbał is to be honored both for a dog and a guide to year-round hard work in favor of hunting.
The task of the Board of the PZŁ Pointer Club is to prepare, together with the Clubs of Race and Regional Clubs, a calendar of performance testing events, preparation of trainings and workshops for future guides as well as supervision over the organization of testing and hunting performance by the Ras Clubs and Regional Clubs. Supporting local initiatives promoting the hunting of a legged dog and coordinating and representing the Environment as an integrated group to the PZŁ Main Board.
First of all, the Ras clubs are to serve the development of the breed, which means broadening knowledge by lovers and, above all, breeders of a given breed. The Breed Club is to be a support and educational support for members. It’s a database of race information, making selection easier. In order to achieve this, you will definitely need specialists in a given breed who will share their knowledge with others. The club also serves better communication between members, which will definitely benefit the breed.
Regional Clubs are primarily local integration, an association of all races in a given region, a mine of talents and bottom-up initiatives. It is a joint implementation of ideas, and the success will be ensured by good local communication, proximity to activities – i.e. easier organization. With the spirit of the principle, „act locally – think globally.
Board of the Polish Hunting Association Pointer Club”.
When I read these words, I understood that I had to support the Pointer Club and publish their appeal to make it even more audible. I also hope that topics related to pointers and cynology will be more often presented on my blog, because who would be a hunter without a dog.
Happy Hunting!