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7 stycznia, 2019Dziczy fake news
15 stycznia, 2019I must admit that I do not know where to start! In the last few days there have been so many things that in the subject of our hunting that it’s very hard to focus on a single topic. Therefore, I will try to summarize several things in one note. Scroll down to the next part.
Courts against criminals
His name is Gaweł, Rafał Gaweł and he is not a super agent, he is a common criminal. Polish media talk about him mainly as a co-founder of the „TrzyRzecze” theater and Center for Monitoring Racist and Xenophobic Behavior (Ośrodka Monitorowania Zachowań Rasistowskich i Ksenofobicznych). In the hunters’ environment known as the founder of the People Against Hunters (“Ludzie Przeciwko Myśliwym” – LPM). This man was sentenced by a valid sentence for two years in prison by the Appeal Court in Białystok. Apparently, financial fraud were estimated at a total of PLN 800,000. Mr. Gaweł is still lucky because the Court has eased him from four years to only two years in prison. I have an impression that this is not the end because LPM does not stop working and still raises money to the delight of blinded by hatred of hunters fanatics. Maybe those money will be useful to Mr. Gaweł for the transition period when he will leave the prison and will have to look for new, interesting and ambitious work. For now, he will have a lot of time to think about it. Personally, I believe that this is just the beginning and soon many CEOs and members of similar organizations will go to court.
Hide your wallet, but give money to us.
There are more and more anti-hunting organizations and more voices are heard that they do not want to have anything to do with the aforementioned LPM. It is said that there is no evidence for LPM’s statutory activities. Apparently, we do not know what is happening with donations, there is no financial statements, and the LPM itself manipulates the acquired materials by inserting photos and videos from abroad which are supposedly to describe Polish hunters. They give their own account number under the actions of other anti-hunters organizations, and their asylum named fox sky most probably does not exist! Such revelations appeared, for example, on the websites of the Lodz Anti hunting Movement group (Łódzki Ruch Antyłowiecki)
Because of this confusion, the poor donor himself does not know what to do and who to pay. How to separate the wheat from the chaff? Which organization is really anti-hunting and which only pretends to be. Or….. maybe it’s all one big farce and everyone just wants to get your money? I can advise you – if you really want to help and give your money to someone, do it wisely. There are many orphanages and foundations that really help those in need. If you do not know which to trust, buy a piggy-bank and put specific amount of money into it every month and before Christmas, donate this money to the purchase of gifts and toys for children from orphanages or hospices. Then you really help! Scroll down to the next part.
“Dear Minister,”
Being in the subject of helping we can not skip the Hunter’s Pack (“Myśliwska Paczka”) action which took place until December 22. Hunting clubs helped those in need in Poland. Our help went to the aforementioned orphanages, single mothers’ homes or nursing homes, and even directly to families in a difficult financial situation. Also my hunting club took an active part in this venture, of which I am very proud. The theme of the hunting pack was also discussed in the summary sent by the Polish Hunting Association to the Minister of the Environment, Henryk Kowalczyk. The whole letter can be easily found on the PZŁ pages at following link. You will find there a lot of information about the reform of the Polish Hunting Association Main Board (Zarząd Główny PZŁ), information on internal audit and further audits that are to concern the purchase procedure for the headquarters of the Main Board and Animal Breeding Centers (Ośrodki Hodowli Zwierzyny). The text contains a number of information about planned and realized goals from 2018. And although the number one is ASF and reforms in structures. You may also see other interesting topics there, such as cooperation with archers or establishing permanent contact with the US and Canada who may in the future result in the possibility of conducting a course for a hunter abroad.
I think that every hunter should read this document, because it concerns us and our common organization and it’s changes.
Eastern and Western fronts
This subject in some way is connected with the above summary of PZŁ are the imminent large-area hunting. The entire country from west to east will at the same time reduce practically to zero populations of wild boars. Both pseudo ecologists and hunters protest, and since this topic can not be described in a few lines of text, I will return to it soon.
Happy Hunting!