A gdyby każde koło miało elektroniczną książkę polowań?
9 sierpnia, 2018
Czy nadchodzi czas cyfrowej zwierzyny?
13 sierpnia, 2018[vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]
For some time, I have been hunting with a hunting club which has an electronic hunting book and I have tried it on myself, so I can compare it with a paper one.
Since my blog is increasingly read abroad, entries such as this require a few words of explanation – what a book of hunts is and why we use it. Poland is divided into 2503 hunting units. Each of these units is divided into at least a dozen regions. The hunter must mark his presence in the area in the hunting book to hunt. Each hunting unit must have its own individual hunting record book.
It is worth noting that only one hunter can hunt in one region at the same time. If there are 17 regions and 50 hunters, it is easy to notice that if all regions are used people simply do not have access to hunting ground. They learn about it only after arriving to a paper book which is located in one place in the hunting unit. Hunters often travel many kilometers to find out that their dream region is already occupied. Then what? Come back home or go to another free area?
Here’s what would happen if your hunters club started using it too.
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First of all, as a hunter you will save time and money. Not everyone has the comfort of living in or nearby of hunting unit. If the hunter lives in a city, he often has several dozen kilometers to his unit. So, he has to get in his car and drive to sign up in the book. It often happens that the place where he wanted to hunt is already occupied. So, he stays in another free area where he did not necessarily want to hunt. He loses a lot of time to travel to the book and money for fuel. Even local hunters have to travel several kilometers to get to the book. These are additional kilometers that must be overcome.
Second, you would have your book always with you. An electronic book is an application that works on web browsers and smartphones. Even sitting at work, you would have access to a book and you would see if the place you want to go to is occupied. A few clicks and you know where you will be in the evening.
Thirdly, you will know the hunting unit better. The electronic book of hunting is also a map of the region with hunting equipment. Not everyone knows the whole area. Hunting devices such like hunting stands appear and sometimes disappear, eg moved to another place. Thanks to the electronic hunting book everyone is up to date and even better knows the hunting ground in which he hunts. Guest, or young hunter will not get lost, because the GPS locator watches over him.
Fourthly, everyone saves time. By saying everyone, I really mean everyone – from a hunter who does not have to go to a hunting book, to gamekeeper who always has ready reports of the amount of hunted game. Same with other members of the hunter’s club management, or the audit committee. The mass of documents is generated automatically.
Fifth, you always know how many game you have to get in the plan. All you have to do is look at the statistics and see how the annual plan looks like and how many game are left to be hunt. The hunter has a report always in his pocket. In addition, everyone knows how many game he hunts and how much else he can. He does not have to look for paper documents. The system remembers it for him.
Sixth, you can always change your hunting area. How often have you seen the game in a different area than the one in which you hunt? How often did you regret that you cannot go 100 or 200 meters further. The electronic hunting book allows you to change the hunting area and after a few clicks, if the second area is free you can change your hunting area. Finally, the book is for you and you can easily use it.
Seventh, do not block the hunting unit if you do not hunt. Life can bring various surprises, and sometimes even the best planned hunting may not come to fruition. If you have entered your name to the book before, it is hard to undo it in the case of a paper book. In an electronic book, you can do it from anywhere in the world. All you need is the Internet connection and you’re not blocking any area and someone else can sign on.
Eighth less poaching. Are you a hunting guard and you have a poacher in the unit, which is hard to trace? If a shot is fired in the area, it’s a quick look into the app and you know it’s no one from the hunter’s club, because no one has typed his name. The e-book helps in detecting such poacher.
Nine more safety. A paper book will not check for you if someone is booked this area before. A small oversight, a doubled entry, and two hunters approaching one pack of wild boars faces each other. It’s very easy for the tragedy. The app will tell you that someone is already registered in the area.
Tenth, the system will speak for you. Are you a gamekeeper and you have to pass an important message quickly? You can use the electronic notification system integrated with the book and everyone will receive a text message from you.
Scroll down to the next part.
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Of course, such solutions are a sure cost that the hunting club has to bear, but are not these expenditures that pay a lot to everyone?
I have also heard the opinions of opponents of the electronic hunting book who say that these toys with GPS is a denial of hunting tradition, that people will block the hunting areas and that all older colleagues will not be able to use it.
I think that those who say that do not appreciate the older colleagues from the club, and they are able to ue it. Anyway, there will always be someone who can help them and will probably do it.
Regarding blocking the hunting unit – I think that with a little work you can teach such people that this is an unprofessional behavior and should not take place. Anyway, if someone wants to block the unit he will do it, regardless of whether the book is – electronic or not.
And in the matter of denying hunting traditions, well, probably once it was said about semiautomatic guns, about optics, and even more recently about hunting with any other weapon except for the bow or spear.
If every hunter’s club began using an electronic hunting book, then our hunting would be safer, everyone would save a lot of time and money. The gamekeeper would have less work, and the hunter would have a better system to organize his own hunting. The hunting club would have an even better way to manage hunting.
How about you? What do you think about the electronic hunting book?
Happy Hunting!