Foczka Bambi
11 czerwca, 2018
Polowanie w stylu wikingów
14 czerwca, 2018[vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]
Bambinism, also known as the Bambi syndrome, is a term that appeared in the USA in the 1970s. It is said, that Bambinism primarily affects people from big cities and relies on giving nature human qualities. Bambinism says that animals are nice, think like people, talk in their own language and have lots of other human traits like Bambi’s Fawn from the screen.
Recently, the bambi fawn made a new cousin, a seal in the Baltic. At first glance, the clumsy animal is a predator that has strongly mixed up in Baltic waters.
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There is a growing conflict around seals. One group are fishermen’s who regard seals as pests wreaking havoc on both fishing nets and at the mouth of the Vistula to the Baltic Sea. Apparently, they are able to pick up practically all fry of salmon and sea trout wandering with the river current.
On the other side of the barricade we have ecologists, who love cute seals and will not allow themselves to believe that this creature could be a threat to nature and biological balance. Ecologists urge boycotts of seaside fryers and urge them not to eat local fish during the season.
Now the most important. According to the information provided by wp.pl in 2017, the catch limit for wild salmon was 6030 fish. 1482 of these fish disappeared from the net due to the seals, which resulted in the loss of 25% of the fishermen’s profit.
Of course, ecologists do not offer anything to fishermen in exchange for the harmful activity of seals. I would understand, if ecologists have offered fishermen coverage for damages caused by the predator’s activity.
No, these people prefer that tourists do not eat fishes. Besides, not only tourists, probably we all stop eat fishes from the Baltic, and probably the best of meat in general. Fishermen do not believe that tourists would give up fried salmon or flounder and replace it with something like kebab.
The councilor of the Puck district has even announced an action during which he intends to make people aware of how big threat to the Baltic ecosystem is seal. From my point of view, I would also advise to include information about the great threat to the Baltic from ecologists.
Once again, they are trying to destroy the part of our economy, and thus also people’s life. Each fisherman works very hard to support himself and his family. Just like hunters, fishermen have limits and periods of protection, but we hunters are not living from hunting.
Fishermen live from the fact that they sail out to sea and then sell their catch. In addition, the time in which they perform fishing is limited, and profit from the season must be enough for them to cover their entire year, as well as repair and maintenance of equipment.
The Swedes have been dealing with the management of the seal population for some time. Every Swedish fisherman who sees a seal at a distance of 200m from his fishing net has the right to shoot it. Even our government recognizes the problem and talks about the threat to the sustainability of traditional forms of fishing in the Puck and Gdansk Bay.
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As you can see, for ecologists the human and his family are not important. Seals are supposed to multiply and eat as much as they want. I am waiting when they will try to interfere with fisheries, because as you can see this subject is just starting up.
Just wait when we will see facebook groups like people against fishermen’s, collecting money for operating boat to track down fishermen and stop fishing. Others will probably start collecting money for the adoption of seals and will make a huge nationwide advertising campaign involving celebrities.
I’m just wondering if the group that hugged to the dead Deer on the Hubertus Hunt will be just as prone to hug the dead seals. The problem may be the smell, which probably is not the most pleasant.
Happy Hunting