Do you know why venison is so expensive?
30 maja, 2019
Dzień dziecka na strzelnicy w Suchodole
4 czerwca, 2019Some time ago I was talking to a man who was indignant when he heard that I was a hunter. He said that he do not respect hunters because they are tormenting animals. I was very surprised because my interlocutor was an angler who, as he described himself, is an ethical angler, who catch and release. He could not understand when I told him that this is the worst possible behavior, because I unlike him, I eat what I hunt, not tormenting animals unnecessarily. His argument was that the only right meat is from the store because they do not die in agony. But, is it really true?

There is a group of media that, despite the lack of favor for hunters and hunting, can from time to time write the truth about industrial animal breeding, or the quality of meat from stores. A few days ago, I found one of the articles on the platform weekend.gazeta.pl which at the very beginning hits the data on the production of antibiotics, where as many as 70% of them goes to farm animals. However, these figures are not the most shocking, and the description of the role played by Chinese producers in food markets.
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I have heard many times why the venison in shops is so expensive. I think a conscious consumer should ask another question – why other meat is so cheap! Liberti Stefano, in his book „Lords of food”on which this article is based, it speaks of the huge role of Chinese producers and the lack of consumer awareness. It turns out that only in China live 700 million pigs, meaning that there are one animal per two persons. You can even think that pigs like cows in India are everywhere. However, this is not the case, because pigs are crammed in small cages. Their life, which should last 20 years, lasts only 6 months. Only 180 days pass from birth to slaughter of an overgrown pig! Then they are killed, cut and packed.
The author of the book says „When I saw this process, the car factory came to mind. There was also a production line there, and each person performed one activity. It was extremely clean. In the Chinese plants, they cut the animals, and it looked as if they were folding a machine. These animals are de facto dead, but they are machines for meat production. They do not see the sun, they can not move, they are in cages. Hag. Dung. And finally they are killed. If you eat meat, you do not want to imagine it. You repress this knowledge and prefer to look at smiling pigs with product labels. It’s just that they do not exist. You know about it, and at the same time you do not want to know. „ Of course, the Chinese do not produce these pigs for themselves – they are our breeds, our European markets. Of course, their cultures also include other black pigs. This is a native species that is intended for rich Chinese people. They do not eat meat that goes to our markets.

In the old days, when my grandfather kept pigs, he was transported dung to fields to fertilize the land. Today the author of the book says that there are lakes of urine and feces around Chinese enterprises that are „because of their pink color called lagoons.”
Such places are highly toxic and you will not find this information on the supermarket labels. However, returning to the antibiotics themselves, the article comes up with a statement that I would like to quote in its entirety: „If you want to breed a lot of animals in a relatively small space, you have to prevent them with various types of medications: to minimize their psychological discomfort and avoid diseases.” Nobody gives antibiotics to wild animals, they do not have psychological discomfort because they are not locked in cages.
I am not afraid to give venison to my family because I know that it is of the highest quality, not produced, and bred in a natural way without harm to the natual environment. The article also features a very twins statement to the thesis from the book „Hypocrisy. Our relationship with animals „by Andrzej G. Kruszewicz, which in my opinion everyone should read. Well, Liberti Stefano, also states that „People lost contact with nature.” Adding „They do not know what seasons are and when it is time to harvest individual plants, because everything is in the supermarket. Maybe you need to introduce food education to schools. ”
I agree with this statement and I know that we hunters long ago came out with the initiative of environmental education among children, youth and adults making the public aware that meat is not from the market, and the animal once lived. We treat hunted animals with respect and not like an object on the production line. Eat venison, because it is healthy and it is not artificial! If you can not, choose meat from small local producers, buy country eggs, local products supporting native farmers and do not be manipulated by those who tell you that the hunter is angry, because I can say with a clear conscience that we are the only true friends of animals and nature .
If you fish, do it like me and catch the fish, because it is much better and healthier than the market one.
Happy hunting!
Source: http://weekend.gazeta.pl/weekend/1,152121,24816208,przyzwyczailismy-sie-do-taniego-miesa-ktore-jemy-dwa-trzy.html
Photo by Karol Wiśniewski from Pexels
Photo by Leah Kelley from Pexels
Photo by Matthias Zomer from Pexels