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8 marca, 2019
Hunting for Prime Minister
19 marca, 2019Browsing the net, it can be seen that if the topic of the Polish Hunting Association is raised, all articles say that Albert Paweł Kołodziejski became the new head of the Polish Hunting Association (PZŁ). A moment later, new chief announced that he going to give his office to someone else. What is it all about and who can take his place? What if I said that it could be any of us? Scroll down to the next section.
[wvc_facebook_page_box height=”400″ show_faces=”true”]On March 5, the Ministry of the Environment informed in its announcement that the Minister of the Environment, Henryk Kowalczyk, appointed Albert Paweł Kołodziejski as the new chairman of the main board of the Polish Hunting Association.
Information has also been added that our new chief is a long-time member of the Polish Hunting Association and Hunting Club „TROP Płock”. He is interested in shooting (he has the permission of a judge and instructor of hunting shooting) and hunting cynology. Has extensive knowledge about the Polish hunting model in relation to hunting models in Europe.
On the same day, such media as Polsat news, gazetaprawna.pl, niezalezna.pl or media from the agricultural industry informed about the changes. On the PZŁ website there is also a recording, in which the Albert Kołodziejski speaks first of all about transparency. He also adds that his office is open for all. A moment later, this office opens even more so that each of us can feel like a Chief of Polish Hunting Association for one day.
It’s not about the competition but the auction. However, it is not the prize that is important but the goal. It is the son of our hunter colleague – Kubuś, a 6-year-old who is struggling with brain cancer.
Biopsies can be taken by doctors from the newly built clinic in Zurich. Treatment abroad offers a chance for therapy with ONC201, which is currently undergoing clinical trials, and in the long term a chance for a very expensive therapy in Monterey. For this, however, you need money – 300 000 PLN (around 78 000 $).
As you probably guessed, hunters immediately reacted and organize help. Everyone helps as much as possible – some by direct help, others put up for hunting their souvenirs, medals, handicrafts, photo sessions, or invitations for joint hunting. There is even a facebook group, in which things appear to be auctioned every now and then. One of these things is an auction called „THROUGH 1 DAY FEEL LIKE chairman of the main board of the Polish Hunting Association”. The winner of the auction will spend the whole day with our new chief, he will be able to visit the Main Board building, including the library, editorial office of the Łowiec Polski magazine, the chapter of decorations, work in the chief’s office and dine with him. The starting price is 100 PLN (25 $), however, when I am writing this text, the current highest bid is 6000 PLN (1550 $). Scroll down to the next section.

Of the 300 000 PLN ( 78 000 $)needed, we have already collected 133 000 (34 500 $) and we are not even halfway, after all, the action is growing more and more and hopefully we will be able to collect all the necessary amount soon.
Even People Against Hunters write about hunting auctions for Kubuś. They provide one of the invitations for a joint hunt with the signature „Selling the pain and suffering of an innocent being to help a sick child – it could have been invented only by the PZŁ sadists”. There is no account number to help Kubuś, but there is an account number of People Against the Hunter, a mass of vulgar comments and hate speech.
I do not know what premises stand behind them, but I did not expect it to be any different. I know one thing – if someone from their group said – my child is dying, please help – I’m sure I would not give my account number. We know that human life is of the highest value and I am sure that we have tried to help.
Kuba, Take care!
Happy hunting!
Auctions for Kubuś: https://www.facebook.com/groups/264218534526261/ Website for direct payments: https://zrzutka.pl/3wrntf