Jaki jest najpopularniejszy kaliber?
23 sierpnia, 2018
Teraz dzwoń po pomoc do ekologa.
27 sierpnia, 2018[vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]
Someone wise said, that it would be enough to put a rifle for two years into the safe to let people understand how important a hunter is to protect the environment and society.
It turns out that just a small change is enough for people to speak outright – we are afraid of letting children out of the house. Who should help them? Hunters, or maybe someone completely different?
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I like the Tri-City. Pier in Sopot, a small city beach on Stogi in Gdańsk, or Orłowski Clif in Gdynia. The bay itself has never been as crowded as coastal beaches. I also have a much easier drive there. I can go even for the weekend without having to plan for a long trip.
However, If you would ask does I know what Babie Doły in Gdynia is, I would say that I have no idea. Today I know, and did not expect that the wild boar have helped me in getting this knowledge. Babie Doły is a nice, quiet, intimate seaside district in Gdynia. A small forest separates it from the sea, which is the home of a pack of wild boars which effectively make life difficult for residents.
Wild boars attack both animals and people during the last months. As reported by dziennikbaltycki.pl, one of the residents was even bitten. The case is serious, and people are afraid to leave their homes even going to throw the garbage. They risk their health when they leave the house and are often ready to run away. For some time now, wild boars have come closer to the cities. They enjoy the excellent food base they have in garbage and use the shelter in the form of parks or suburban forests.
However, people in the cities did not notice them, because they were caught all the time by the live trap. Many did not realize how many wild animals live in the city and how many boars are transported to the forests every year. Times have changed, and since the ASF came to our doorsteps, the regulations forbid trapping the boar and transporting it to another place. The head of one of the departments of the Gdynia office speaks directly that he has his hands tied, because the ministry has come up with some rules that the authorities must use.
Dear sir… welcome to the hunting world! Unfortunately, I do not have good information for you. Well, the situation will get worse as long as the eco-terrorist organizations with the support of the media and society will act to the detriment of hunters.
The farther away from the village hunters will be moved away, the more it will be difficult to hunt, the more eco-terrorists travel to the hunting units, the more the society will be against the hunter, the more wild boars will appear in the cities, and law on the fight will become more severe with ASF.
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Nie pomogą pomysły dogadywania się z myśliwymi, aby Ci odstrzeliwać dziki w miejskich parkach czy laskach. Nie pomoże też przeprowadzenie ankiety, w której pyta Pan czy mieszkańcy są za odstrzałem dzików, bo żaden rozsądny myśliwy na to nie pójdzie, no chyba że pod przymusem. Poza tym jednorazowa akcja nie rozwiąże problemu.
Winnych proszę szukać w szeregach pseudo obrońców przyrody. Powiedzmy sobie wprost – to oni ponoszą winę za te i inne ataki dzików na ludzi. To oni ponoszą winę za aktualny stan i to oni są prawdziwymi wrogami natury.
Pozwólcie eko terrorystom na jeszcze więcej a niebawem nie tylko dzik, ale i lis czy wilk będzie terroryzował wasze domy i okolice.
Zatem nie dzwońcie po pomoc do myśliwych – dzwońcie do ekologów. Niech przychodzą ze swoimi złotymi radami, miłością do dzikich zwierząt. Niech utulą dziki i szepną im jak bardzo je kochają. To na pewno pomoże.
Myślę, że niebawem opinia publiczna zmieni zdanie na temat myśliwych. Okazuje się bowiem, że myśliwi nie muszą odwieszać strzelb. Wystarczy zakazać odławiania dzika w miastach, żeby te zaczęły terroryzować mieszkańców. Najgorsze jednak jest to że musi dochodzić do tragedii żeby ludzie zaczęli otwierać oczy.
Darz Bór!