Egzaminów czas
24 maja, 2018
Kozioł powiadasz!
28 maja, 2018[vc_row][vc_column][vc_wp_text]
Despite the huge anti-hunting mood, there are more and more hunters in Poland.
There are trainees from families with many years of hunting tradition, but also those who have never been associated with hunting. For some trainees, entering our world can be a huge shock. We hunters have our own language, believes and traditions, and all the time we all talking to trainees about safety. It starts from their day zero. Can we just keep calm with safety on the hunt, take gun in our hand and just go for hunt?
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Fortunately, not. You can’t just go hunting for what you want, when you want and without proper preparation. Despite the fact that the Minister of Agriculture has recently been shouting about the dissolution of the Polish Hunting Association and want to allow to exist of other smaller organizations that could lease the hunting grounds in a market-oriented way, we are still happily operating as one organization. The changes the minister refers to is a step towards commercialization of hunting, which probably many of us preferred to avoid. It could have significantly affected the fall in safety during the hunt.
The lack of commercialization enforces appropriate standards and level of knowledge which a future member of the Polish Hunting Association must absolutely possess. The number „1” was, is, and will be the safety during the hunt. Each of us hunters must know on what distances we can hunt, when we can hunt for a specific game, and when we can give a safety shot. Fortunately, the regulations are so legible that we can learn them without any problem. Nevertheless, it is worth understanding and using it consciously.
Examiners on oral exams are particularly sensitive to security and often expect candidates to explain why we do things in a particular way.
One of the most interesting is the question about entering the hunters box. As hunters, we always enter the hunter’s box first with a cartridge removed from the cartridge chamber. But why?
Well, with this behavior, we do not risk accidentally releasing the weapon and pulling the trigger. Fear to think what would happen if someone went to the pulpit in front of the hunter and just leaned out to see what was going on downstairs. We always go in and out first having a weapon with an empty bolt. We can unload the weapon, but if you are preparing for the exam, remember that the correct answer is the removed bullet, and empty bolt. Bullet can be in magazine.
Another question which examiners loves a shot for roe deer in the litter. By litter we mean, the area on which a collective hunt takes place between beaters and hunters, from which animals are being moves out to the hunters’ line. The hunting regulations clearly state that we do not shoot to deer, fallow deer, roe deer in a litter unless the hunter allows such a shot. Often, such an explanation is not enough, and examiners expect an additional info on the example of a roe deer, which is not a big animal. Many people are surprised that it is about the way how deer moves. In general, they move by jumping, so that the weapon can be leveled higher which can be dangerous for other participants in the hunt. When asked what conditions the facilitator can allow, it is worth to say that when the terrain allows it to provide the natural bullet trap.
There is also a tricky question about hunting the roebuck on collective hunt. I not provide this answer in PL text, but I can share it here.
This question is tricky because we start collective hunt season with does and close the roebuck season. It possible to hunt only female, but a lot of trainees don’t math it and start to talk about selective shot.
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Safety during the hunt is most important and no one should forget about it. Of course, it is also worth remembering about other things such as language, culture or animal biology. There are plenty of knowledge to learn. But thanks to hard work, everyone who passes the exam is very often one of the most learned hunters. Yup, this young girl or boy just after the exams is a treasury of knowledge about the rules, hunting law or biology. If he also had the proper preparation during the internship, then you have an ideal candidate – a head full of ideals, knowledge, willingness to cultivate our beautiful traditions. The only thing he lacks is experience and a place where he could hunt to convert the gained knowledge into experience.
It is often from you – older colleagues, whether young ambitious man will be able to show what he can do for nature. Who knows, maybe it will surprise you more than you think.
Darz Bór!